students on a bench


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) at Halliford School focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and attributes to keep students safe, physically and mentally healthy, and to prepare them for life and work.

Here at Halliford, we have a well-planned and well-delivered PSHE programme that has an impact on both the academic and non-academic outcomes for our students.

Our programme of study aims to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk management, teamwork and critical thinking in the context of 3 core themes:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and career education)

We ensure that we follow the statutory duties outlined in the Education Act 2002 by providing a balanced and broad-based curriculum. In June 2019, the Department of Education launched the final statutory guidance to accompany the introduction of compulsory health education, relationship education, and relationship and sex education (RSE).

However, here at Halliford, we have ensured that these topics are already a part of the PSHE curriculum this year. Taught once a week by tutors, students have access to presentations, worksheets, resources and a variety of online courses to ensure that lessons are both interesting and informative. Peer and self-assessments are fundamental parts of the formative assessment strategies used within lessons.

We are very fortunate that Halliford has some fantastic connections to guest speakers who specialise in fields such as mental health, online safety, and drug education. Each year group has carefully developed talks once or twice a term from an outside specialist. These sessions allow students to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding whilst being able to ask questions and use initiative.

Parent Talks Programme

We also offer several Parent Talks throughout the year, allowing parents, carers, and guardians the opportunity to educate themselves in fields unbeknownst to them or to widen their knowledge and understanding of specific topics. We have been fortunate enough to offer talks such as: `Say Yes to Excellent Health’, ‘A Matter of Substance’ and `Parenting: in Search of Happiness’. The Programme can be viewed below:

For more information contact Ms Armstrong, Head of PSHE by email:

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