student and teacher working together


The Curriculum at Halliford School is designed to be broad and varied, allowing students to develop the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in further study or employment in the 21st century.

Years 7 – 9

In the early years, the curriculum is broadly based with an emphasis on introducing pupils to as wide a range of subjects as possible as well as on helping them acquire a sound foundation of the basic skills that they will need to make effective progress as they move up through the School. All pupils study the following subjects: English, Mathematics, French and either German or Spanish, Latin (or Classical Civilisation from Year 9 onwards), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Art, Drama, Music, Design Technology, Computing, Religious Studies and Physical Education.

Years 10 – 11 (GCSE)

In the Spring Term of Year 9, pupils select their GCSE options for Years 10 and 11. There is a compulsory core of English Language and Literature, Mathematics, a Modern Foreign Language (French, German or Spanish), the Sciences (the three separate sciences or Combined Science). In addition, pupils choose a further three optional subjects from amongst the following: a second Modern Foreign Language, Latin, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Classical Civilisation, Art, Drama, Music, Sports Science, Computing, Business and Design Technology (Product Design). All pupils also receive instruction in study skills, careers, citizenship and religious education. Please see the GCSE Course Guide for more information.

The Sixth Form

The majority of pupils are expected to take three subjects at A Level and an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). Exceptionally able students study 4 or more A Levels.

The following subjects are available at A Level: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Design Technology (Product Design), Economics, French, Geography, German, Politics, Psychology, History, Computing, Latin, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Music, Music Technology, Religious Studies, Physical Education, Physics, Spanish and Theatre Studies. Please see the Sixth Form Prospectus for more information.

In addition to their principal subjects, all students complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) during their time in the Sixth Form, which is equivalent to an additional AS Level. Universities look favourably on EPQ as it enables students to develop independent research skills that are extremely useful when they go on to university, and some now lower their offers to students if they have achieved an A or an A* in the EPQ.


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students painting


Halliford has an award winning Art Department. Year on year it has enabled boys to achieve extraordinary heights in both artistic and examination success with almost all achieving A* or A grades at both A Level and GCSE. Three dimensional work is a particular strength of the department and the exemplary, innovative ceramic work has featured widely in the international journal Ceramic Review.

Each year the department awards an Art Scholarship based on exceptional drawing skills, a portfolio of work and demonstration of a passion for Art and Design. Special after school sessions are provided for the Art Scholars, helping to further develop their skills to the highest level.


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Business Studies And Economics

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student holding a business text book and reading to teacher

Business Studies And Economics

The department offers contrasting but equally rewarding courses at Key Stage 4 and 5.  At Key Stage 4 we offer the modern, hands on GCSE Business, with the emphasis on problem solving. At Key Stage 5 we offer Edexcel Business Studies A Level as well as Edexcel Economics.


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Classical Civilisation

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teacher holding an old pot

Classical Civilisation

At Halliford School Classical Civilisation in introduced at Year 9.  The course commences with an introduction to the work of Homer and his epic poem The Odyssey.  In addition, the students are given the opportunity to study the influence of the mythological hero Hercules and his assimilation into both Greek and later Roman culture.  There is also a study of the influential Roman heroes, Aeneas, Romulus and Augustus.  This is all excellent preparation for newly developed OCR GCSE syllabus studied in Years 10 and 11 and at A Level.

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Computer Science

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students in ICT

Computer Science

Benefitting from a recent upgrade, Halliford has state of the art computing facilities.  Behind the scenes our servers offer 100% reliability whilst the two teaching classrooms are comfortable and air conditioned.  Each classroom has a 65” touchscreen monitor ensuring that no detail is missed.

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students painting


Halliford has an award winning Art Department. Year on year it has enabled boys to achieve extraordinary heights in both artistic and examination success with almost all achieving A* or A grades at both A Level and GCSE. Three dimensional work is a particular strength of the department and the exemplary, innovative ceramic work has featured widely in the international journal Ceramic Review.

Each year the department awards an Art Scholarship based on exceptional drawing skills, a portfolio of work and demonstration of a passion for Art and Design. Special after school sessions are provided for the Art Scholars, helping to further develop their skills to the highest level.


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student holding a business text book and reading to teacher

Business Studies And Economics

The department offers contrasting but equally rewarding courses at Key Stage 4 and 5.  At Key Stage 4 we offer the modern, hands on GCSE Business, with the emphasis on problem solving. At Key Stage 5 we offer Edexcel Business Studies A Level as well as Edexcel Economics.


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teacher holding an old pot

Classical Civilisation

At Halliford School Classical Civilisation in introduced at Year 9.  The course commences with an introduction to the work of Homer and his epic poem The Odyssey.  In addition, the students are given the opportunity to study the influence of the mythological hero Hercules and his assimilation into both Greek and later Roman culture.  There is also a study of the influential Roman heroes, Aeneas, Romulus and Augustus.  This is all excellent preparation for newly developed OCR GCSE syllabus studied in Years 10 and 11 and at A Level.

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students in ICT

Computer Science

Benefitting from a recent upgrade, Halliford has state of the art computing facilities.  Behind the scenes our servers offer 100% reliability whilst the two teaching classrooms are comfortable and air conditioned.  Each classroom has a 65” touchscreen monitor ensuring that no detail is missed.

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Design And Technology

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teacher and students in DT class

Design And Technology

The Design and Technology Department at Halliford School is committed to delivering a curriculum accessible to all which provides the broadest possible range of opportunities for students. Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.

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Les miserables production, school edition


The Drama Department at Halliford is active with varying different events all year round that engage and enthuse students. The department is run by Roberto Bruno (Head of Drama), Andy Carroll and Conor Fleming (Theatre Technician).  The 300+ seat theatre is the hub of the department and you will often find students performing on stage, working behind the scenes or in the lighting box. It is a community where everyone gets involved and everyone is equal.

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teacher delivering a lesson


The English Department at Halliford aims to offer pupils a varied and enjoyable experience. We believe the key to success in English is reading and we offer a rich and diverse diet of boy-friendly texts. We aim to enrich their experience and understanding of the world whilst also empowering them with the tools to speak, think and write more effectively.

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students in a cave complex


“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future” – Michael Palin

One of Geography’s strengths is in it positioning as a subject, bridging the Arts and Sciences. Consequently, Geographers are not only able to observe and collect data, but are also able to build social, moral and political opinions and arguments that inform how we live in our world. As a result of this intrinsic component of Geography, the students at Halliford learn more than just knowledge about the world, they develop the skills needed to navigate through the complexities, interactions and beauty of the planet that we inhabit.

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teacher and students in DT class

Design And Technology

The Design and Technology Department at Halliford School is committed to delivering a curriculum accessible to all which provides the broadest possible range of opportunities for students. Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.

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Les miserables production, school edition


The Drama Department at Halliford is active with varying different events all year round that engage and enthuse students. The department is run by Roberto Bruno (Head of Drama), Andy Carroll and Conor Fleming (Theatre Technician).  The 300+ seat theatre is the hub of the department and you will often find students performing on stage, working behind the scenes or in the lighting box. It is a community where everyone gets involved and everyone is equal.

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teacher delivering a lesson


The English Department at Halliford aims to offer pupils a varied and enjoyable experience. We believe the key to success in English is reading and we offer a rich and diverse diet of boy-friendly texts. We aim to enrich their experience and understanding of the world whilst also empowering them with the tools to speak, think and write more effectively.

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students in a cave complex


“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future” – Michael Palin

One of Geography’s strengths is in it positioning as a subject, bridging the Arts and Sciences. Consequently, Geographers are not only able to observe and collect data, but are also able to build social, moral and political opinions and arguments that inform how we live in our world. As a result of this intrinsic component of Geography, the students at Halliford learn more than just knowledge about the world, they develop the skills needed to navigate through the complexities, interactions and beauty of the planet that we inhabit.

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History And Politics

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students in a trench

History And Politics

The History and Politics department has a philosophy that combines academic rigour with a commitment to high quality teaching and learning.  At the heart of its philosophy is a commitment to an enquiry-led approach in which students analyse a wide variety of historical sources and information, in order to answer key questions. The department uses a wide range of activities and resources, including textbook work, role-plays, group work and human timelines. A lot of work is also put into developing pupil’s historical skills, including historical significance, interpretation and cause and consequence.

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Pupils working on tablets


Every student at Halliford gets the opportunity to study Latin. The aim is to help the students to develop a number of things:

  • Their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and syntax in order to read, understand and interpret Latin.
  • Their knowledge and understanding of ancient literature, values and society through the study of original texts, adapted and abridged as appropriate.
  • Their knowledge and understanding of Latin to deepen their understanding of English and other languages. This will help them to relate their knowledge and understanding of the ancient world to other disciplines.
  • Their research and analytical skills which will empower them to become independent learners and enquirers, equipping them for further study in arts, humanities and sciences.

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students in the classroom


The Maths department at Halliford is staffed by 6 highly experienced teachers who collectively have an established track record of delivering academic success at all levels. Halliford students are encouraged to think logically, communicate clearly in both verbal and written explanations, and to enjoy the experience of progressing in this challenging discipline.

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Modern Foreign Languages

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students at a palace

Modern Foreign Languages

In the increasingly global environment in which we live, the ability to communicate with people in other parts of the world is an extremely valuable skill, especially in the world of work. The study of modern languages is vital in order to feel part of Europe in the 21st century.

The department’s remit is to teach French, German and Spanish to classes in years 7 to 13. Its aims are to develop and to maintain lasting pupil interest, achievement and curiosity in these subjects and to enable them to learn any other foreign language they may need or want in the future. The MFL team, with native speakers to cover all languages taught, is very successful and aims to provide enjoyment, to broaden the students’ education, to foster independence of learning and develop a better understanding of the wider world.

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students in a trench

History And Politics

The History and Politics department has a philosophy that combines academic rigour with a commitment to high quality teaching and learning.  At the heart of its philosophy is a commitment to an enquiry-led approach in which students analyse a wide variety of historical sources and information, in order to answer key questions. The department uses a wide range of activities and resources, including textbook work, role-plays, group work and human timelines. A lot of work is also put into developing pupil’s historical skills, including historical significance, interpretation and cause and consequence.

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Pupils working on tablets


Every student at Halliford gets the opportunity to study Latin. The aim is to help the students to develop a number of things:

  • Their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and syntax in order to read, understand and interpret Latin.
  • Their knowledge and understanding of ancient literature, values and society through the study of original texts, adapted and abridged as appropriate.
  • Their knowledge and understanding of Latin to deepen their understanding of English and other languages. This will help them to relate their knowledge and understanding of the ancient world to other disciplines.
  • Their research and analytical skills which will empower them to become independent learners and enquirers, equipping them for further study in arts, humanities and sciences.

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students in the classroom


The Maths department at Halliford is staffed by 6 highly experienced teachers who collectively have an established track record of delivering academic success at all levels. Halliford students are encouraged to think logically, communicate clearly in both verbal and written explanations, and to enjoy the experience of progressing in this challenging discipline.

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students at a palace

Modern Foreign Languages

In the increasingly global environment in which we live, the ability to communicate with people in other parts of the world is an extremely valuable skill, especially in the world of work. The study of modern languages is vital in order to feel part of Europe in the 21st century.

The department’s remit is to teach French, German and Spanish to classes in years 7 to 13. Its aims are to develop and to maintain lasting pupil interest, achievement and curiosity in these subjects and to enable them to learn any other foreign language they may need or want in the future. The MFL team, with native speakers to cover all languages taught, is very successful and aims to provide enjoyment, to broaden the students’ education, to foster independence of learning and develop a better understanding of the wider world.

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student playing violin


At Halliford every pupil is encouraged and valued as a musician, no matter their experience, aptitude or musical tastes. We embrace all genres, from Classical Music to Rock Music, Jazz Improvisation to Studio Production, and believe that variety truly is the spice of life. Alongside our varied classroom curriculum, where we have a maximum of 12 students per class, we run a continuous and varied programme of musical events throughout the academic year in which all students are encouraged to participate. This is supported with instrumental tuition being offered in a broad range of instruments by our dedicated and highly skilled peripatetic team. All of this happens in our purpose built Colin Squire Music Studios.

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Physical Education

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student holding cricket bat

Physical Education

Halliford School has a proud tradition of sporting excellence. We are fortunate as a day school to have outstanding sporting facilities on site here in Shepperton and an excellent team of teachers.

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teacher in class


Psychology is everywhere. In a sense, we are all amateur psychologists. However, studying Psychology at A Level is about setting aside our intuitions and using the objective tools of science to discover how the mind really works. It is concerned with all aspects of behaviour (normal and abnormal) and the thoughts, feelings and motivations underlying such behaviour. If you are interested in the workings of the brain, group behaviour, child development, relationships and psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, this is for you. The course also looks at how psychology is applied in wider settings such as mental health, counselling and the importance of memory in the court of law.

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Religious Studies

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students at a gurdwara

Religious Studies

Pupils at Halliford School have an opportunity to study Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics from Year 7 to Year 13.

The Religious Studies Department is not affiliated with any one religion and all pupils have a voice whether they regard themselves as atheist, theist or agnostic. Debate, discussion and questioning is encouraged in each lesson and pupils learn from one another and their experiences.

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student playing violin


At Halliford every pupil is encouraged and valued as a musician, no matter their experience, aptitude or musical tastes. We embrace all genres, from Classical Music to Rock Music, Jazz Improvisation to Studio Production, and believe that variety truly is the spice of life. Alongside our varied classroom curriculum, where we have a maximum of 12 students per class, we run a continuous and varied programme of musical events throughout the academic year in which all students are encouraged to participate. This is supported with instrumental tuition being offered in a broad range of instruments by our dedicated and highly skilled peripatetic team. All of this happens in our purpose built Colin Squire Music Studios.

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student holding cricket bat

Physical Education

Halliford School has a proud tradition of sporting excellence. We are fortunate as a day school to have outstanding sporting facilities on site here in Shepperton and an excellent team of teachers.

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teacher in class


Psychology is everywhere. In a sense, we are all amateur psychologists. However, studying Psychology at A Level is about setting aside our intuitions and using the objective tools of science to discover how the mind really works. It is concerned with all aspects of behaviour (normal and abnormal) and the thoughts, feelings and motivations underlying such behaviour. If you are interested in the workings of the brain, group behaviour, child development, relationships and psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, this is for you. The course also looks at how psychology is applied in wider settings such as mental health, counselling and the importance of memory in the court of law.

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students at a gurdwara

Religious Studies

Pupils at Halliford School have an opportunity to study Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics from Year 7 to Year 13.

The Religious Studies Department is not affiliated with any one religion and all pupils have a voice whether they regard themselves as atheist, theist or agnostic. Debate, discussion and questioning is encouraged in each lesson and pupils learn from one another and their experiences.

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students in the lab


Sciences are ever popular at Halliford School with all students studying them up to the end of year 11 and many choosing to study them at A Level and beyond.

The department consists of six teachers, with subject specialists in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The teaching staff are supported by three technicians. Practical activities are at the core of our teaching as we believe that experiencing practical’s first hand not only develops an understanding, but also promotes enjoyment of the subject and prepares pupils for studying Science at a higher level.

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students in the lab


Sciences are ever popular at Halliford School with all students studying them up to the end of year 11 and many choosing to study them at A Level and beyond.

The department consists of six teachers, with subject specialists in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The teaching staff are supported by three technicians. Practical activities are at the core of our teaching as we believe that experiencing practical’s first hand not only develops an understanding, but also promotes enjoyment of the subject and prepares pupils for studying Science at a higher level.

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Connect with Halliford

Posted : 18 Jun 2024

Nine students from Year 8 at Halliford School have recently returned from a truly unique experience in...

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boys from a private school in Middlesex in their PE kits
Posted : 22 Mar 2024

As the winter months give way to the blossoming of spring, Ms Hetherington, our Head of Art,...

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boys from a private school in Middlesex in their PE kits
Posted : 20 Mar 2024

Halliford School’s Youth Speaks team, comprising Lucas in Year 10, and Nicky and Hayden in Year 9,...

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boys from a private school in Middlesex in their PE kits