If it is argued your school days are the best of your life, then Sixth Form at Halliford School is certainly the highlight of this experience! In the final two years, you will further develop academic passions and make decisions that will have a lasting impact on your life. It is a period of huge personal growth for every young man and woman, and to this end, we will help develop your leadership skills by enabling you to play an active role in the working life of the school and local community. We will challenge you to embrace new opportunities both in the classroom and beyond and will support you in developing a collaborative and interactive approach to learning to ensure you leave school with the best academic outcomes possible and that you are ready for further study or for whatever your future holds.
Throughout the two years, you will follow a rigorous programme of three or four A Levels where we will develop more mature relationships to enable debate and discussion with the goal of improving academic outcomes.
There is a much greater focus on independence and freedom of choice, with an emphasis on Sixth Formers making their own decisions and learning to make responsible use of their new-found freedoms. There is no uniform, but rather an expectation of ‘business attire‘ which allows individuals to express their individuality in an environment which is purposeful. There are also study enhancement periods where students can prioritise their own learning. Teaching groups are much smaller and Sixth Formers study only those subjects that they have chosen.
In addition to this, there is a broad range of co-curricular opportunities for Sixth Form students and further occasions to exercise responsibility through the many mentoring and leadership programmes we offer.
In recognition of these academic and additional demands, we have invested in a purpose-built centre for you to study and relax. The emphasis is on recognising your increasing maturity and preparation for university to ensure that you develop confidence, resilience, and a genuinely aspirational attitude in all that you do. Our dedicated Head of Sixth Form is always on hand here to offer specialist advice and help.
Contact the Registrar to arrange a personal tour or book to attend our next Sixth Form Open Evening here.
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