LAMDA Examinations Level 1 award

Halliford Excels in LAMDA Examinations

3rd December 20

Halliford School is delighted to announce a 100% pass rate in our LAMDA exams this year. Nineteen Halliford students took exams in either acting, verse and prose, or mime, securing an impressive 11 distinctions, 7 merits and 2 passes.

We are so proud of Sixth Former, Robert Pleasance, who was awarded an unbeatable score of 100/100 with distinction. Robert remarked, “When I received my result for LAMDA Grade 6 I was extremely proud of what I had achieved. I realise that without the amazing coaching from my teacher I wouldn’t have been able to get 100% so for that I am extremely thankful. I look forward to continuing working towards Grade 8 which I will be taking in the Easter period.”

In addition, we had two students receive 98/100 and two students receive 96/100. Truly outstanding and testament to the strength of our Drama Department here at Halliford School.

LAMDA Tutor, Shani Woodley, commented “I am over the moon with our results from my first set of LAMDA examinations at Halliford. The boys have put in so much work and dealt with a lot of extremely unusual circumstances. They have risen above it all and produced these incredible results.”

Our students received some amazing feedback from the examiners, including: “A spontaneous approach throughout your work complete with in depth characterisation”, “A confident easy presence in the space”, “You use your voice, face, and body with total focus in a scene”, “Delightfully energised and enthusiastic performer” and “You have a real gift for performing”.

Headmaster, Mr Davies, commented “I am absolutely thrilled for the boys. These results are exceptional, and I am delighted to present our students with their richly deserved certificates and medals. Despite all the challenges that they face currently, it is so refreshing to see the boys dedicating themselves to these challenging examinations and achieving such stunning results. I am incredibly proud of them all.”

Name Year Group Examination Subject Grade Mark
Max 13 Acting 7 96 Pass with Distinction
Robert 13 Acting 6 100 Pass with Distinction
James 11 Acting 6 89 Pass with Distinction
William 11 Acting 6 80 Pass with Distinction
Riley 11 Acting 6 78 Pass with Merit
Oscar 13 Acting 6 76 Pass with Merit
Cormac 12 Acting 6 68 Pass with Merit
Carter 9 Acting 5 98 Pass with Distinction
Harry 10 Acting 4 84 Pass with Distinction
Aidan 9 Acting 4 84 Pass with Distinction
Cameron 9 Acting 4 65 Pass with Merit
Ruaridh 8 Acting 3 98 Pass with Distinction
Thomas 8 Acting 3 96 Pass with Distinction
Rufus 8 Acting 3 87 Pass with Distinction
Tobias 8 Acting 3 70 Pass with Distinction
Oliver 9 Acting 3 58 Pass
Tobias 8 Miming 3 86 Pass with Distinction
Cassius 8 Speaking Verse and Prose 3 62 Pass
Joshua 8 Speaking Verse and Prose 2 77 Pass with Merit
William 8 Acting 1 74 Pass with Merit

Well done to all of our students.

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